Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's time to say good bye.

Life is awesome. So far.
The awesomeness will multiply the day after tomorrow. I hope.

These few days have been busy reading through materials about Teach For program around the world, especially the one in India. After browsing through TFI fellows' blogs and reading the welcome packet from TFM, have a clearer picture on what my life is gonna be for the next two years. Is gonna be tough, challenging, yet fulfilling. Keeping fingers crossed for my future.
A lot of uncertainties lie ahead but no worries, I believe I can make it through :)

People might think that I am crazy for taking this career path. But social entrepreneurship is what I have always wished to do in my life. Totaly psyched that I can be part of this social movement. Crazy me.

A little confession to make here. Part of the reasons I am really excited to join the team is because of my own selfishness. I cannot wait to bid good bye to you. Inside me, I know best that if I continue living near this group of people the hurt will go on endlessly. It is totally not your fault, the fault is on myself. Don't know since when, I start to feel uneasy, unwelcomed, lonely, leftout, and any negative feeling you name it whenever I get any closer to you. Or, better to put it this way, I can never go near you even when I want to. I figured out our channels are just not right. Maybe we are not meant to be this close? Sorry to have thought so highly of myself and get myself hurt for no reason. Finally, the thought of being occupied for the next two years did give me a sigh of relief. I can stay away. I can hide. I can have a total new life. I can meet new friends. I can be positive and motivated all the time. Phew. Good bye. My friends. All the best in your life.

Sorry for this noob writing shit of mine. Have to start blogging in English or Malay, to prepare myself for intensive blogging of my teaching life for the coming years.

Till then, good luck in what your life! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha i will surely miss ur chinese writing.. haha ur writing is never noob ok? but its that part of you makes u a funny person to be with! all the best mate! :D

-- boss